A quick blast of colour

It’s that time of year when we’ve all had enough of winter, this year more so than most. We know spring is on its way, the birds are noticeably more vocal and the early flowers are out and are very welcome. But it’s still cold and grey, and for most of us, warmer weather and sunshine can’t come quickly enough.

I don’t know why, or if it’s just me, but I find it hard when my garden is mostly brown to imagine it full of the delights of colourful summer flowers. I know they will come again, it’s just a matter of patiently waiting, as humans have always done, for our part of the earth to once more turn its face to the heat of the sun.

Not even a pandemic can stop the seasons, but just to hurry things along a bit I find a quick blast of colour to be very therapeutic and enjoy a quick zip through a few photos taken in summers past.