Rewilding my garden

I've just had two incredibly inspiring days listening to two wonderfully inspiring people. One is George Monbiot, a well known environmental journalist and the other Nicola Chester, a naturalist, writer and all round lovely lady.

I now know that what I've been aiming for in my garden for the past three years has a name and that naming helps me justify the decisions I'm making and also the confidence to write about and share it.

It isn't that I'm actively doing a lot, it's more what I'm not doing that makes the difference and the evidence for the difference between my garden and many can be found in the species that call it home.
My unmown meadow lawn is full of wild flowers including orchids. Bumble and solitary bees abound as do birds and from the number of young ones, several have nested here including two mallards whose little fluffy ducklings have been a delight bobbing about on the pond and leaping up to try and catch the damsel flies.

I began the process by concentrating on the smallest components of my garden, the soil dwellers and coverers thinking that if they were in good heart then the rest would hopefully follow and so they seem to have done.

Now I realise that I have top predators here too and I know that they will be responsible for more change and also balance. A sparrow hawk often jets through, I hear a tawny owl regularly, see buzzards circling high overhead, and twice I've spotted a red kite quartering the sky.
A red fox has discovered us too, no doubt he has his eye on the ducklings but he has his place in the scheme of things.

My garden doesn't cover acres, it's a fairly average size and in a town, so if I can rewild my garden then other people can too. It might not be for everyone but if enough of us do it then together we can make a difference. All there is to lose is a boring garden and why would we want that when we could have a wonderfully wild one?