Blooming Marvellous

May is a wonderful month in the garden, so much is happening that it's hard to keep up with the changes. The amount of growth being made is phenomenal and as spring gives way to summer the list of things we feel obliged to do in the garden seems endless, but as we approach the longest day and the hours of daylight extend, the longer evenings give us a few more daylight hours to be outside.
We're not the only ones making the most of it. The bird nesting season is in full swing and rushing to and from my hive are the perfect examples of busy bees falling over each other as they hurtle in and out, their hairy little legs laden with pollen from all the flowers newly bursting into bloom.
Fruit trees are some of their favourites, with hawthorn, Cotoneaster and lilac too and under the shrubs and trees, bugle, granny's bonnet, violets and bluebells. Out in the sun are poppies, alliums, clover, vetch and bird's foot trefoil offering a feast of pollen and nectar. No wonder the honey bees are so busy.
I'm lucky that my garden is also home to solitary and bumble bees which nest in the free draining soil under my meadow lawn, but May isn't all about colourful flowers, now is the time that the garden is at its freshest green and the colour, form and texture of foliage is at its seasonal best.
New leaves are opening eveywhere, unfurling ferns beneath beautiful vibrant beech, the fine filigree foliage of Japanese maples and by the pond the thrusting verticals of Iris and lush ornamental grasses create a foil for all those lovely meadow flowers.
The year's RHS shows are well under way now and from the 24th to the 28th it's Chelsea Flower Show time again where the horticultual world displays its finest. With all those gorgeous gardens, fabulous flowers and fancy foliage on offer there's inspiration for every gardener. It's a highlight of the year for many of us and part of what makes this Month of May blooming marvellous!